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The goal of this podcast is to educate the global community on sexual violence prevention which includes education, research, and global prevention efforts and initiatives. Note: The opinions of those interviewed do not reflect the programs associated with this podcast. Visit to learn about The Global Prevention Project™.

Aug 16, 2019

In our final Season 2 podcast,  Candice interviews MAP advocate Gonzalo as he shares his passion for helping educate others on why MAPs are human beings not human doings and deserve support. 

Jul 17, 2019

In this podcast, Candice interviews "Sara", a MAP partner who bravely shares her experience loving a MAP who is also a porn addict. She shares what she has learned in her own journey of healing from trauma, lessons she's learned from uneducated therapists, and her choice to love someone with an addiction and...

Jun 24, 2019

Listen to former pastor and current recovery coach Shane Montgomery as he talks to Candice about his past sex offense, being a sex/porn/love addict and the importance of having a solid recovery plan (not just prayer) to keep oneself safe in their community. 

Jun 3, 2019

In this podcast, NOMAP “Elliott” returns to The Prevention Podcast to talk with Meg about having age dysphoria, feeling like a child, and his commitment to never harming a child. Have a listen! 

May 14, 2019

In this podcast episode, Rusty and Candice talk about getting to know the truth about MAPs, dealing with trolls, the importance of education as a means of accurate suicide prevention especially among teen MAPs, and more! Listen!